Chiropractic Techniques

Our Approach

At Optimum Health Chiropractic, we prioritize tailoring our techniques to meet the unique needs of each patient. We understand that not all adjustments are one-size-fits-all, which is why we offer a variety of chiropractic techniques to address diverse conditions and preferences. We ensure that our approach aligns with the individual's comfort level and specific requirements.

We take pride in employing The Palmer Package, a comprehensive set of techniques developed by the pioneers of chiropractic care. This means our patients benefit from a holistic approach rooted in decades of expertise and innovation. With The Palmer Package, patients can expect personalized care that promotes overall wellness, restores proper alignment, and enhances their quality of life.

Our Techniques

Thompson Drop Chiropractic Technique

Thompson Drop

The Thompson Drop Technique is a full-spine adjusting technique that emphasizes a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust using a drop table for maximum efficiency and patient comfort.

Flexion Distraction Chiropractic Technique


Gonstead chiropractic assessment utilizes several examination methods, including line analysis, to analyze X-rays and determine the primary characteristics of spinal subluxation. With this strict analysis, we can determine the neurological ramifications of vertebral subluxation and its effects on full-body health.

Toggle Chiropractic Technique

Flexion Distraction

Flexion distraction is a low-force chiropractic technique used to treat low back pain. The technique is gentle and uses a non-forced procedure to take pressure off the spinal nerves that may be impinged from a bulging or herniated disc.

Gonstead Chiropractic Technique


Toggle recoil is an upper cervical chiropractic technique popular with patients who prefer or need a more gentle approach. The practitioner places their hands lightly on the area of joint restriction and then performs an extremely fast, though very light thrust, quickly removing their hands from the contact point.

What to Expect

  • Our onsite staff will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you are provided with the best care possible.

  • The restoration process is achieved through customized visits tailored to your needs. We work with your issues to get you on the road to recovery

  • Once you have reached your optimum health, we aim to keep you in this state of wellness. It is a team effort to get you to this point and we don’t want to lose what we’ve gained.

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Let’s get you to your Optimum Health